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  • Identify training needs and find new talents

    Does your team knows what it needs to know? With detailed reports, you can easily spot users that are having trouble answering specific topics, letting you know exactly what kind of training they need.
    Beside that The CompanyGym can help you discover new talents hidden amongst your team? By revealing in which topics an user has better results, The CompanyGym helps you spot a set of skills in him otherwise unknowned to you.


    Just got a new product you wish to present to your customers? The CompanyGym allows you to share product information with customers by answering basic quizzes, making your sales and customer support job easier.


    New members can find it difficult to adapt to their new surroundings and all the new information. With The CompanyGym, you can help them integrate with their team, procedures and information in a fun and easy way. 

  • implement new procedures

    People resist to change. Remember that safety procedure that no one follows, or that efficiency tool you implemented a year ago and no one cares about? With The CompanyGym you can remember your staff about it, while helping them understand why it exists.


    Lauching a new product this week and need your sales team to know all about it? Transform product specifications into questions and guarantee your team knows how to answer your customers.